
Sunday, February 24, 2019


Screen memoir synopsis Breaking down terms story- a chronological grade of events. plot- he selection and oddering of those events. taradiddle- the way the events tell the story. non linear- storey a narrative that does not tell the story digests, anything the geek can experience. basic third form narrative expression. the basic 3 act narrative structure has been used for centuries in plays, books, act virtuoso set up introduced to character and digests , understand world in story. catalyst - twist point between act one when things compound act two- -turning point between act two-when things change ostly taken up development, end of act two second turning point, absolutely bad. act three climax -battle of some sort. Resolution, very light and sweet. christopher vgler theorized the narrative by breaking down the 3 acts more(prenominal) specifically into 12 steps more specifically into the heroes journey. oglers character achetypes/ 1. hero 2. mentor 3. threshold guardian , bad but good. 4. herald, gives the news to the assemblage 5 subtypes of cowcatcher hero.. - bequeathing or unwilling -anti-hero, doesnt want to be a hero -group orientated hero, leads group -loner hero , alone -catalyst hero. mentor agical/mythic gandalf etc. cave in giving teaching- teachers hero inventing and intiating- doc from back to the future. falling hero- failed first instantly mentoring. character archetypes propps. the villain the donor the magical helper he princess of hold dear her father the dispatcher depending on the text vogel might be more fit, or prop. prop is more for fantasy and fairy tail stories. contrast the recurring character. character against disposition or god, character against fate agains hostelry society agains society character against them selves. character vs character harry vs voldermort cahracter vs nature he day after tomorrow. character vs fate inevitable or uncontrollable problem the matrix, neo fulfilling his/her destiny charac ter vs society main(prenominal) character vs larger group, a community, society eg. boys dont cry. character versus self intragroup conflict society vs society one grow vs some other group eg. river queen. maori vs british society vs society is just one element vs another element usually good vs evil. leading on to the the next analytic level in each of these cases (across time and genres) the character snow pureness is the personification of moral good because dh is represented as such. us as the queen as the personification of evil. what does representation mean representation noun 16 version with regards to film analysis representation is the o screen film why learn about representation because screen representation portraits aspects of the in truth world what is an ideology ideologies are a set of ideas or set we live by. each person can have more than one ideology differing ideologies can cause create conflict. ideology wthin film narrative the narrative of a film pre sertnd the ideologies of the original writer, director and producer . maven representation. represents people in specific or racial background zip representation fun black man quirky Hispanic the produce/snooty white. class representation the struggling impoverished and largely uneducated. NZ shopping centre ground British really poor American rich swiftness class. upper crust aristocratic middle groun povrished, poor,. gender representation manly men, muscular men , military womanly women. long hair, lots of contain up lots of pink. what happens when you get manly women or womanly men. basically two things homosexuality, androgynous. artly male and partly female in appearance of undeterminable sex. gender is not binary gender is a spectrum which we can print along at any time of our lives. why include them? because binaries will often contain conflict and without conflict you dont have film. films can be analyzed through a variety of frameworks thematically narrative anal ysis formalist everything the viewer can hear and see. camera -frame size angle movement. semiology the study of signs and symbols. bring out the meaning behind the metaphor. two levels, appellative and connotative.

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