
Saturday, August 31, 2019

First Quarter Book Analysis on Great Expectations Essay

In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, Pip, the main protagonist in the story, is very idealistic and yearns to become a gentleman. He wants to better himself and rise above his humble origins in hopes of winning over his love Estella. Pip is also a very kind man and cares about the ones who are close to him. However, he is also a very arrogant man, and he does not see what his arrogance costs him, until he learns that true happiness in life does not come from wealth or status. Pip has an idealistic desire to become a gentleman, to elevate his status in life, and to impress the beautiful girl Estella who he has fallen in love with her due to her charming appearance. He demonstrates this trait on many occasions. Such as when he tells Biddy that he is â€Å"not happy as I am†¦ I am disgusted with my calling and with my life,† and â€Å"I want to be a gentleman.† He also displays his idealism as he strives to educate himself and become â€Å"uncommon,† by having Biddy â€Å"impart all her learning to me†¦ it appeared to me that it would take time to become uncommon†¦ nevertheless: I resolved to try it.† He further exhibits this trait by continually trying to win over Estella even though she only gives him discomfort â€Å"everything in our intercourse did give me pain†¦.I could put no trust in it, and build no hope on it; and yet I went on against trust and against hope.† In his idealistic desire to become a gentleman and to win over Estella he believes he will live a much happier life once his goal is achieved. Pip’s ambitiousness, however, is replaced with contentment as experience reveals to him that happiness is not gained through being a gentleman and that the true beauty of a person lies within their heart and not in their outward appearances. Pip is also a very kind man. He displays his kindness in trying to help his friend Herbert out of debt by helping his business ventures begin â€Å"how I could best try with my resources to help Herbert to some present income†¦ and gradually buy him on to some small partnership.† Pip also displays kindness in his actions towards Magwitch as he constantly worries for his safety â€Å"Were I might go, what I might do, or when I might return, were questions utterly unknown to me; nor did I vex my mind with them, for it was wholly set on Provis’s safety.† After the failed attempt to smuggle Magwitch out of the country, Pip continues to visit him every day when he is in prison as he tells him â€Å"I will never stir from your side when I am suffered to be near you. Please God I will be true to you, as you have been true to me.† Pip was true to his promise and was faithful to Magwitch to the day of his death. Pip is also very arrogant in his actions; this is seen in his ungrateful treatment towards Joe and Biddy when he has come of great expectations. When Joe comes to visit Pip, his feeling towards this was â€Å"not with pleasure† and â€Å"if I could have kept him away by paying money, I certainly would have paid money.† He did not think there was â€Å"anything low and small in my keeping away from Joe† and he almost wants nothing to do with him even though he â€Å"was bound to him by so many ties.† He also displays his arrogance in his treatment towards Biddy. When he asked Biddy why she received him â€Å"coming down here often to see Joe† â€Å"with a marked silence† Biddy asks him if he in fact will come down often, to which Pip took insult to, as a â€Å"very bad side of human nature!† even though he knows he won’t come back â€Å"Once more the mists were rising†¦ if they disclosed to me†¦ that I should not come back†¦ all I can say is, they were quite right.† However, Pip does not remain arrogant and a change overtakes him. After his encounter with Magwitch his benefactor, he realizes the true worth of his companions and how wrong he was in his treatment towards them â€Å"my repugnance to him had melted away†¦ I only saw a man who meant to be my benefactor and who felt affectionately, gratefully, and generously towards me with a great consistency through a series of years. I only saw in him, a much better man than I had been to Joe.† Pip has become humbled by his experience and decides he will return to the forge to marry Biddy. However, in his arrogance in trying to win over Estella and casting Biddy and Joe aside, he was too late, as Biddy had married Joe. However Pip is changed by his mistakes and is now very grateful towards Joe and Biddy and sorry for his treatment towards them, â€Å"receive my humble thanks for all you have done for me, and all I have so ill repaid!†¦ and now†¦ pray tell me, both, that you f orgive me!† Through his experiences he is now a humble man and not the ungrateful arrogant person he once was. Pip was a very kind man., but he was also arrogant and vainly idealistic in thinking the way to better himself was through wealth and status. These traits, through his experiences, are transformed and he is now humble and content, as he learns a hard lesson that true happiness does not come from wealth or status, as was his idealistic view, but from a contentment that comes only from within. Pip has become a true â€Å"gentleman.† In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, the main character of the story, Pip, struggles personally with a man vs. self-conflict as he struggles about his status in life. This conflict within him begins after a visit to the Satis house, where he meets Miss Havisham and Estella. He is greatly offended by Estella’s insults towards him â€Å"what coarse hands he has. And what thick boots!† and he begins to feel ashamed of his personal appearance, â€Å"I took the opportunity†¦ to look at my coarse hands and common boots†¦ They had never troubled me before, but they troubled me now, as vulgar appendages.† He also begins to feel ashamed of his upbringing â€Å"I wished Joe had been more genteelly brought up, and then I should have been so too.† This continues as Estella brings him food and a mug of beer and does not even look at him, much the way one would feed a stray dog, leaving Pip feeling utterly dejected, â€Å"I was so humiliated, hurt, spurned, offended, angry, sorry – I cannot hit upon the right name for the smart – God knows what the name was.† Pip hangs his head and cries in shame. This conflict intensifies over the course of one year, as Pip grows more ashamed of his home, a place that once afforded him comfort. â€Å"It’s a most miserable thing to be ashamed of home†¦ But, Joe had sanctified it, and I believed in it†¦ now it was all coarse and common.† As his status changes, the conflict continues to escalate after he has come to â€Å"great expectations.† In his rise to â€Å"property† he believed that he would live a much happier life as a gentleman â€Å"No more low wet grounds, no more dykes and sluices, no more of these grazing cattle†¦ henceforth I was for London and greatness: not for smith’s work.† However, he did not live a happy life, and his conscience plagued him â€Å"As I had grown accustomed to my expectations†¦ Their influence on my own character†¦ I knew very well that it was not at all good.† â€Å"I lived in a chronic state of uneasiness in my behavior towards Joe. M y conscience was not by any means comfortable about Biddy.† He in fact was living quite miserably â€Å"We were always more or less miserable†¦ I detested the chambers beyond expression,† â€Å"I should have been happier†¦ if I had risen to manhood content to be partners with Joe in the old honest forge.† Pip’s conflict reaches its climax and resolution when he discovers his benefactor. The climax is reached upon discovering that Magwitch, the convict he met so long ago in the marshes, is indeed his benefactor â€Å"the dread I had of him†¦ could not have been exceeded if he had been some terrible beast.† He now wishes that he had never come of his expectations and realizes what a fool he was â€Å"O, that he had never come! That he had left me at the forge – far from contented, yet, by comparison happy!† â€Å"I began to fully know how wrecked I was, and how the ship in which I sailed was gone to pieces†¦ But, sharpest and deepest pain of all – it was for the convict†¦ that I had deserted Joe.† His conflict reaches its resolution after Magwitch is arrested and his expectations have departed. However, he is able to see the good in Magwitch and began to care for him greatly as his â€Å"repugnance to him had melted away.† He finally realizes that he does not need wealth, nor does he need to elevate his status, in order to be happy. As he â€Å"lived happily†¦ and lived frugally† with his dear friend Herbert, he is no longer ashamed of his humble beginnings and is content with his place in society.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Theoretical Position

Theoretical Position Learning Team B PSY/310 Sharon Cohen February 18, 2013 To learn more about the field of psychology it is first important for us to know more about psychology’s past, the psychologist who advanced this field of study and the theories that we are still building on or learning from to this day. Four men who made a great impact on the field of psychology, who may have worked together, and who may have even had drastically different theoretical positions are Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and William James. In the following paper we will discuss these men and their passions as well as their differences.Psychoanalysis was the theoretical position that Sigmund Freud built and spent most of his life adding to. Psychoanalysis is a way to investigate the mind, especially of the unconscious mind; a therapy of neurosis inspired from the above method; a new stand-alone discipline who is based on the knowledge acquired from applying the investigation method and clinical experiences (freudfile, 2002-2013). Freud is the psychologist who we have to thank for most people believing therapy involves laying on a couch because during free association that is what Freud asked his patients to do, relax, and start talking (Goodwin, 2008).Freud was not the first to speak of the unconscious mind, but he is believed to be the one who made it famous. Freud, who is known for dream analysis and metapsychology, is also responsible for the ego, the id, and the superego. The ego, Freud believed, was conscious and unconscious lying in the center of our personality trying to maintain balance between the id and the superego (Goodwin, 2008). The id is our basic instincts, sex and aggression, whereas the superego would be considered our moral compass, both fight for what they need and contend with reality (Goodwin, 2008).The id is made up of sex and aggression because these two instincts do make up much of our lives and Freud devoted most of his life to exploring this. Sigmund Freud’s perspective concerning the causes and nature of human psychological functioning can be summed up in those two words: sex and aggression. Though most of Freud’s work has been disproven or scarred by the Freudian myths that surround him and his work, it is hard to not admire the advancements that have been made because of him.Even when his work was proven false, it meant that psychologists were examining his theories and possibly forming new theories of their own that will advance us even further into the future of psychology. Freud's years of work put a new way of thinking into the head of society, and challenged the assumptions and suppositions of a changing world (Stevenson, 1998). Carl Gustav Jung made major contributions toward psychoanalysis, but it was not until after he abandoned Freud and psychosexuality that Jung would do his most revolutionary, controversial, and extraordinary work (www. nfoplease. com ). Jung was a creator of modern psy chology, which explains how the human mind facilitates conversations between unconscious types of energies that move within the inside of all of us. The Jungian theory is based on two separate dimensions of human unconsciousness with just one persona, and one archetype of collective human unconsciousness (www. cgjungpage. org, 02/16/13). Personal unconsciousness is any forgotten or repressed type of content that has actually been in a person’s material or mental life.Archetypes of material in the unconsciousness humans have are described as being patterns, symbols, and specific images in which a person can see in their fantasies and dreams that also can appear to them as a theme of a certain religion or mythology in our unconscious (www. psychological-musings. blogspot. com, 02/28/11). The archetypes of images in the unconscious, Jung theorized, mold the human unconscious personality, and this bond together with certain instincts to drive the human psyche.Jung described the h uman consciousness molds the ego according to Jung, the ego was developed in a person because of certain human responses to their environment but also because of a need to adapt to all demands that are formed in the world that surrounds them (www. cgjungpage. org , 02/16/13). Jung described archetypal images as being the transcendent, and described this as being the transcendent function, but he also viewed one’s own wholeness of their self as a type of union together with all immanent plus transcendent types of objects (www. infoplease. com).Jung also included that there is a need for humans to have internal feelings of harmony or a need to adapt internally by homeostasis within the human consciousness and unconsciousness. The unconscious human mind is what contains the specific materials which are needed or are necessary but could prerequisite the persons psychological health, and the conscious human mind will be what assesses both a primitive/spiritual but also a demonic/d ivine type of nature. There are tensions towards a person’s needs to obtain fulfillment but also the need to have social types of conformity plus cultural types of realities (www. gjungpage. org, 02/16/13). In this theory Jung acknowledged that one must, or has to adapt to their own persona so that they can be able to relate to others socially, but he wrote that there is a danger in which a person could become too identified with their own persona but not with their own individual self. Only a complete individual can truly find the meaning in their life, since consciousness will lead to the dissociation from human unconsciousness and this will absorb into the human mass mind (www. psychological-musings. blogspot. com 2011/02).To actually achieve the individuation type processes it will require the use of certain symbols as the vehicle in which there is an irrational type of union between opposite regions of human’s consciousness and unconsciousness (www. infoplease. co m). In analytical psychology, Jung attempted to combine parts of modern psychology with ancient types of religious imagery by using a symbolic form of reinterpreting the Christian but also other types of religious traditions people may have. This eliminates the dogma but maintains archetypal formed materials that are derived from the human collective unconsciousness.These specific symbols of transcendence are what will facilitate the individuals synthesis of human consciousness and unconsciousness but will also provide a base for the persons’ spiritual meaning to life (www. psychological-musings. blogspot. com, 02/28/11). Alfred Adler examined personality around the same time as Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. Adler had many different theories of the personality but what he truly stuck with was that a single drive or motivating force behind our behavior, claiming that the desire we have to fulfill our potentials becomes closer and closer to our ideals.Adler called this theory th e Individual Psychology because he thought that each person was unique and that no one person were the same in that sense. Adler’s theory included these four aspects: the development of personality, striving towards superiority, psychological health, and the unity of personality. While Alfred was studying personality he came up with the term inferiority complex, this is described as feelings of lack of worth. Alfred wrote, â€Å"We all wish to overcome difficulties. We all strive to reach a goal by the attainment of which we shall feel strong, superior, and complete† (www. ndb. com). Along with inferiority complex, there was also the superiority complex where a person tried to conquer their inferiority complex by suppressing their existing feelings. Alfred believed that each person was trying to get over their feelings of inferiority in order to obtain the superiority. Alfred also came up with that each person claimed that they had an idea of what their perfect self wo uld be like. He names this image the fictional finalism. Fictional finalism applies clearer direction to decisions that are to be made concerning oneself.Adler also believed that the unconscious and conscious worked in union with on another towards fictional finalism (www. muskingum. edu). Adler who was not very big in grouping people into categories came up with four main types of people; three out of four are negative. There is the ruling type, who likes to control people, the getting type who is passive and goes along with everyone else’s’ ideas, and not very inventive for themselves, the avoiding type who will isolate themselves in order to avoid defeat, and last but not least, the socially useful type, values having control over their lives and strive to go things for the sake of society.From reading those four types I have a pretty good guess that the first three were negative, and the last one was a positive type. William James is known as the founder of America n Psychology, but if you ever brought this up to him he would pass on it and say that Dewey was the actual founder of American Psychology. None the less he was one of the most prominent American Psychologist in American history. He was a functionalist. His technique was to ask the very important question of â€Å"why† things are the way they are. His course of study was also to find out why a person was the way they were based on their environment.James (reprint edition 1950) stated â€Å"The phenomena are such things as we call Feelings, desire, cognitions, reasoning, decisions, and the like; and, such superficially considered, their variety and complexity is such as to leave a chaotic impression on the observer† (p 2). These are the very words from William James book The Principals of Psychology. Today’s psychologists would probably not refer to these emotions as a phenomenon. Nor would today’s psychologists refer to one’s feelings as superficial . William James is described as what is known as a functionalist. Functionalists want to know â€Å"Why† why people are the way they are.While most psychologists were interested in what was going on inside a person’s mind, Mr. James was looking outside a person’s mind, taking a look at a person’s environment. This was a unique strategy for its time. What I found interesting, while reading his studies, was that he referred to our memories as being â€Å"god given† for a psychologist to think in these terms there had to be a sort of open mindedness. At the same time though, there seemed to be a sense of individualism. He was the only one thinking this way. This, to me, was actually common within all psychologists.It seems that they all thought they were the only ones thinking in these terms at that time. Mr. James also believes that just because we are aware of a situation, doesn’t necessarily mean we will remember everything that is tied to i t. He believes that we must live through and actually witness or take part in an event to actually have a memory of it. Once again, this goes back to one’s environment. What is the person surrounded by. References: (2002-2013) http://www. freudfile. org/psychoanalysis/definition. html Goodwin, C. J. (2008). A History of Modern Psychology (3rd ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (David B. Stevenson, 1998) http://www. ictorianweb. org/science/freud/biography. html http://www. infoplease. com/encyclopedia/people/jung-carl-gustav. html (02/16/13),http://www. cgjungpage. org/index. php? option=com_content;task=view;id=743;Itemid=54 (02/28/11), http://psychological-musings. blogspot. com/2011/02/theoretical-positions-of-freud-jung. html Fisher, M. (2011, May). Alfred Adler. Retrieved from: www. muskingum. edu Alfred Adler. (2012). retrieved from: www. nndb. com Who Was Alfred Adler? (2008). retrieved from: www. alfredadler. org James, William Principles of Psychology The scope of psychology Reprint Edition (June 1st, 1950) Dover Publications Theoretical Position Theoretical Position Learning Team B PSY/310 Sharon Cohen February 18, 2013 To learn more about the field of psychology it is first important for us to know more about psychology’s past, the psychologist who advanced this field of study and the theories that we are still building on or learning from to this day. Four men who made a great impact on the field of psychology, who may have worked together, and who may have even had drastically different theoretical positions are Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, and William James. In the following paper we will discuss these men and their passions as well as their differences.Psychoanalysis was the theoretical position that Sigmund Freud built and spent most of his life adding to. Psychoanalysis is a way to investigate the mind, especially of the unconscious mind; a therapy of neurosis inspired from the above method; a new stand-alone discipline who is based on the knowledge acquired from applying the investigation method and clinical experiences (freudfile, 2002-2013). Freud is the psychologist who we have to thank for most people believing therapy involves laying on a couch because during free association that is what Freud asked his patients to do, relax, and start talking (Goodwin, 2008).Freud was not the first to speak of the unconscious mind, but he is believed to be the one who made it famous. Freud, who is known for dream analysis and metapsychology, is also responsible for the ego, the id, and the superego. The ego, Freud believed, was conscious and unconscious lying in the center of our personality trying to maintain balance between the id and the superego (Goodwin, 2008). The id is our basic instincts, sex and aggression, whereas the superego would be considered our moral compass, both fight for what they need and contend with reality (Goodwin, 2008).The id is made up of sex and aggression because these two instincts do make up much of our lives and Freud devoted most of his life to exploring this. Sigmund Freud’s perspective concerning the causes and nature of human psychological functioning can be summed up in those two words: sex and aggression. Though most of Freud’s work has been disproven or scarred by the Freudian myths that surround him and his work, it is hard to not admire the advancements that have been made because of him.Even when his work was proven false, it meant that psychologists were examining his theories and possibly forming new theories of their own that will advance us even further into the future of psychology. Freud's years of work put a new way of thinking into the head of society, and challenged the assumptions and suppositions of a changing world (Stevenson, 1998). Carl Gustav Jung made major contributions toward psychoanalysis, but it was not until after he abandoned Freud and psychosexuality that Jung would do his most revolutionary, controversial, and extraordinary work (www. nfoplease. com ). Jung was a creator of modern psy chology, which explains how the human mind facilitates conversations between unconscious types of energies that move within the inside of all of us. The Jungian theory is based on two separate dimensions of human unconsciousness with just one persona, and one archetype of collective human unconsciousness (www. cgjungpage. org, 02/16/13). Personal unconsciousness is any forgotten or repressed type of content that has actually been in a person’s material or mental life.Archetypes of material in the unconsciousness humans have are described as being patterns, symbols, and specific images in which a person can see in their fantasies and dreams that also can appear to them as a theme of a certain religion or mythology in our unconscious (www. psychological-musings. blogspot. com, 02/28/11). The archetypes of images in the unconscious, Jung theorized, mold the human unconscious personality, and this bond together with certain instincts to drive the human psyche.Jung described the h uman consciousness molds the ego according to Jung, the ego was developed in a person because of certain human responses to their environment but also because of a need to adapt to all demands that are formed in the world that surrounds them (www. cgjungpage. org , 02/16/13). Jung described archetypal images as being the transcendent, and described this as being the transcendent function, but he also viewed one’s own wholeness of their self as a type of union together with all immanent plus transcendent types of objects (www. infoplease. com).Jung also included that there is a need for humans to have internal feelings of harmony or a need to adapt internally by homeostasis within the human consciousness and unconsciousness. The unconscious human mind is what contains the specific materials which are needed or are necessary but could prerequisite the persons psychological health, and the conscious human mind will be what assesses both a primitive/spiritual but also a demonic/d ivine type of nature. There are tensions towards a person’s needs to obtain fulfillment but also the need to have social types of conformity plus cultural types of realities (www. gjungpage. org, 02/16/13). In this theory Jung acknowledged that one must, or has to adapt to their own persona so that they can be able to relate to others socially, but he wrote that there is a danger in which a person could become too identified with their own persona but not with their own individual self. Only a complete individual can truly find the meaning in their life, since consciousness will lead to the dissociation from human unconsciousness and this will absorb into the human mass mind (www. psychological-musings. blogspot. com 2011/02).To actually achieve the individuation type processes it will require the use of certain symbols as the vehicle in which there is an irrational type of union between opposite regions of human’s consciousness and unconsciousness (www. infoplease. co m). In analytical psychology, Jung attempted to combine parts of modern psychology with ancient types of religious imagery by using a symbolic form of reinterpreting the Christian but also other types of religious traditions people may have. This eliminates the dogma but maintains archetypal formed materials that are derived from the human collective unconsciousness.These specific symbols of transcendence are what will facilitate the individuals synthesis of human consciousness and unconsciousness but will also provide a base for the persons’ spiritual meaning to life (www. psychological-musings. blogspot. com, 02/28/11). Alfred Adler examined personality around the same time as Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. Adler had many different theories of the personality but what he truly stuck with was that a single drive or motivating force behind our behavior, claiming that the desire we have to fulfill our potentials becomes closer and closer to our ideals.Adler called this theory th e Individual Psychology because he thought that each person was unique and that no one person were the same in that sense. Adler’s theory included these four aspects: the development of personality, striving towards superiority, psychological health, and the unity of personality. While Alfred was studying personality he came up with the term inferiority complex, this is described as feelings of lack of worth. Alfred wrote, â€Å"We all wish to overcome difficulties. We all strive to reach a goal by the attainment of which we shall feel strong, superior, and complete† (www. ndb. com). Along with inferiority complex, there was also the superiority complex where a person tried to conquer their inferiority complex by suppressing their existing feelings. Alfred believed that each person was trying to get over their feelings of inferiority in order to obtain the superiority. Alfred also came up with that each person claimed that they had an idea of what their perfect self wo uld be like. He names this image the fictional finalism. Fictional finalism applies clearer direction to decisions that are to be made concerning oneself.Adler also believed that the unconscious and conscious worked in union with on another towards fictional finalism (www. muskingum. edu). Adler who was not very big in grouping people into categories came up with four main types of people; three out of four are negative. There is the ruling type, who likes to control people, the getting type who is passive and goes along with everyone else’s’ ideas, and not very inventive for themselves, the avoiding type who will isolate themselves in order to avoid defeat, and last but not least, the socially useful type, values having control over their lives and strive to go things for the sake of society.From reading those four types I have a pretty good guess that the first three were negative, and the last one was a positive type. William James is known as the founder of America n Psychology, but if you ever brought this up to him he would pass on it and say that Dewey was the actual founder of American Psychology. None the less he was one of the most prominent American Psychologist in American history. He was a functionalist. His technique was to ask the very important question of â€Å"why† things are the way they are. His course of study was also to find out why a person was the way they were based on their environment.James (reprint edition 1950) stated â€Å"The phenomena are such things as we call Feelings, desire, cognitions, reasoning, decisions, and the like; and, such superficially considered, their variety and complexity is such as to leave a chaotic impression on the observer† (p 2). These are the very words from William James book The Principals of Psychology. Today’s psychologists would probably not refer to these emotions as a phenomenon. Nor would today’s psychologists refer to one’s feelings as superficial . William James is described as what is known as a functionalist. Functionalists want to know â€Å"Why† why people are the way they are.While most psychologists were interested in what was going on inside a person’s mind, Mr. James was looking outside a person’s mind, taking a look at a person’s environment. This was a unique strategy for its time. What I found interesting, while reading his studies, was that he referred to our memories as being â€Å"god given† for a psychologist to think in these terms there had to be a sort of open mindedness. At the same time though, there seemed to be a sense of individualism. He was the only one thinking this way. This, to me, was actually common within all psychologists.It seems that they all thought they were the only ones thinking in these terms at that time. Mr. James also believes that just because we are aware of a situation, doesn’t necessarily mean we will remember everything that is tied to i t. He believes that we must live through and actually witness or take part in an event to actually have a memory of it. Once again, this goes back to one’s environment. What is the person surrounded by. References: (2002-2013) http://www. freudfile. org/psychoanalysis/definition. html Goodwin, C. J. (2008). A History of Modern Psychology (3rd ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (David B. Stevenson, 1998) http://www. ictorianweb. org/science/freud/biography. html http://www. infoplease. com/encyclopedia/people/jung-carl-gustav. html (02/16/13),http://www. cgjungpage. org/index. php? option=com_content;task=view;id=743;Itemid=54 (02/28/11), http://psychological-musings. blogspot. com/2011/02/theoretical-positions-of-freud-jung. html Fisher, M. (2011, May). Alfred Adler. Retrieved from: www. muskingum. edu Alfred Adler. (2012). retrieved from: www. nndb. com Who Was Alfred Adler? (2008). retrieved from: www. alfredadler. org James, William Principles of Psychology The scope of psychology Reprint Edition (June 1st, 1950) Dover Publications

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Modernism in Music and Politics and Culture in Postwar France Essay

Modernism in Music and Politics and Culture in Postwar France - Essay Example London: MacMillan, 1999, pp. 84-85) 1. General Contents: This article discusses the existentialism school of thought that was prevalent in post-World War II France. Sartre introduces a school of thought that is called commitment, but in the end he has to adjust his notions to include the textual reality into his ideas2. 2. Qualifications: Jean-Paul Sartre was a playwright, novelist, and philosopher who lived between 1905 and 1980. 3. Evaluation of Credibility: Sartre was an influential figure in Post World War II France. He held on to his revolutionary beliefs concerning politics, and human existence. His stance on these matters drew controversy; yet he at the same time had an attachment to the traditional modes of cultural expression. His ideas were of relevance to, and appealed to the contemporary world. He developed a secular form of existentialism. His ideas insisted that existence comes before essence, and rejected the supernatural. He was of the opinion that modern culture was saturated with existentialism, as an intellectual movement. 4. Intended Audience: This essay is very helpful to everyone who is concerned about the way pertinent issues in the society can be addressed. By following the arguments that Sartreans, and the opposing writers and intellectuals advanced; one is able to understand how literature can be used to influence society3. The article is an interesting read, very insightful. In my opinion though, one should read it with an open mind. When one has a preformed ideology, then personal biases may prevent them from appreciating the factors that were inherent of the opposing sides. ESSAY MODERNISM To... This "Modernism in Music and Politics and Culture in Postwar France" outlines the existentialism school of thought that was prevalent in post-World War II France. Sartre introduces a school of thought that is called commitment, but in the end, he has to adjust his notions to include the textual reality into his ideas. To some writers, musical modernism extends from around 1890 to the 1930s. The period after that is often referred to as the post-modernism era. Industrialization, technological advances, and scientific discoveries that were taking place at the time of early musical modernism, meant radical reforms in musical expression. Individuals were trying to come to grips with a society which was becoming increasingly complex. Leon Botstein was of the opinion that alienation and isolation of individuals had resulted in heightened sensitivity. The intensity of personal emotions was concomitant, and it accompanied the sense of discontinuity, and newness that pervaded the first years of the century . Rhythmic strands were layered, and they started being based on two, or more metric frameworks that run concurrently. He asserted that the domination of industry, science, and technology was a characteristic feature of the modernism era. In addition to this, mechanization, nationalization, urbanization, positivism, and mass culture all had a role to play in influencing musical styles of this time. Several aspects of music changed during this time. The language of music and tonal organization were revolutionized.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Genration Y Casestudy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genration Y Casestudy - Essay Example This case focuses on a small team including Sarah Bennet and Josh Lewis who made significant efforts of becoming successful in the Rising Entertainment industry. It reveals conflicting issues and impatient among generation Y in the work place. In the contemporary business society, many bosses who are classified under gen X may sometimes feel like babysitters, but they need to spend much of their time with young workers, gen Y in order to help them become productive leaders of tomorrow (Tamar 2009, p.47). Therefore, this essay provides responses to the case study of gen Y in the workforce and addresses significant findings; thus putting them into conclusions into practice into my own organizational behavior. From the case study of gen Y in the work place, I can conclude that it is essential for one to strive hard in order to become successful of leader of tomorrow. This is through understanding what takes one a successful HR manager. For instance, Josh and Sarah worked hard in order to make the Rising Entertainment Company successful, but they both needed effective training on what makes successful HR manager; thus improving business performance. Therefore, as a young worker helping my father in his small Appliance repair business at the moment, I consider myself as gen Y especially Josh. Therefore, I should make significant efforts of inventing innovative ideals and understand that it requires time to make significant changes in the company. Moreover, the unrealistic expectations and clashes with my father, whom I consider as gen X, results because of misunderstandings. It is significant to listen and take heed of the ideas from gen X because this is what can make me a  successful business entrepreneur in the future. For instance, Josh does not listen to his leaders, and this is similar to my case because I always feel that my father think that I do not know what I’ am doing since I’ am young. However, the conflicts are inevitably manageable in case gen X

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Survey method and discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Survey method and discussion - Essay Example It involves group of students discussing a lecture or students from different schools working in groups together on a shared assignment. The growing body of international researchers explores the relationship between social emotional learning and the cooperative learning in academic achievements. In the study most of the students were of the view of cooperative learning to improve their academic performance. In cooperative learning individual student performance was more superior as compared with the individualistic or the competitive method where everyone is for himself or herself. The cooperative method is found superior for promoting metacognitive thoughts, transfer of learning from one setting to the other, persistence in working towards a goal and it also helps in one’s motivation intrinsically. In cooperative learning, the members of the group are obliged to rely on one another to achieve the set goals, all the students are also held accountable for doing their part of work in order for them to master all the content to be learnt (Durlak et al, 2010). The method also involves face to face promotive inter action with group members required to provide the members with feedbacks, challenging reasoning, conclusion and in most cases they teach and encourage one another in order to improve the level of understanding compared to the case where the teacher does all the lectures and the student may not be free and ready to ask the questions. The primary goal of this study which is carried among 20 respondents is to measure the academic achievements for social emotional learning cooperative learning methods as ways of instruction and to compare the findings on the achievements with those of the lecture method or the teacher based method where the teacher does all the talking and the student the listening. When assessment was carried out on these two kinds of methods were carried out, it was found that the students who undergo the cooperative method were

Monday, August 26, 2019

Global Warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Global Warming - Research Paper Example Increased temperature creates rapid and irreversible changes on both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Terrestrial habitats subjected to a higher temperature become drier and can no longer sustain life. Such loss of habitat affects animals and can be a precursor for extinction of some species. As temperature increases, the habitat ranges of most species shifts. The shift is healthy for these animals as it creates range reduction forcing the animals into less hospitable habitat or increased competition. The change is stressful to the animals. Some species are affected and have nowhere to go because they are forced to reach their upper limit of habitat. Habitat displacement and alteration favors only the animals that can adapt to these changes (UNEP 13). Increased temperatures affect wetland habitats. Wetlands are important habitat for fish and other aquatic animal and also serve as breeding grounds for many waterfowl. Increase in global temperature will mean a permanently drier and warmer future. Such changes will result in increased habitat destruction as the animals will have no place to live or to breed. The arctic habitats are the most affected by increasing temperatures. The ice sheet are melting, and glaciers are reducing. Animals such as the polar bears that live in these habitats are affected. Ocean acidification due to climate change result in bleaching of the coral reefs that are among the habitats with the highest biodiversity (Chen-Tung 312). Habitat destruction and alteration affects wildlife because climate change rapidly changes these ecosystems. Global warming is an example of climate change effects that along with habitat destruction and pollution can result in increased extinction rates of animals and other related species. Climate change affects both the biology and ecology of most animals. It changes the availability of resources necessary for the animals to survive. With the lack of food, water, and space, it is difficult for a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Riordan Manufacturing Supply Chain Evaluation Essay

Riordan Manufacturing Supply Chain Evaluation - Essay Example This will be fulfilled by examining outsourcing options and diminishing transportation cost. The association furthermore intends to make an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Material Requirement Planning (MRP) framework to abatement process duration cost, enhance quality, and execute a showcasing arrangement to build up the brand. Riordans strategic targets and objectives which have impacted the new bottles supply chains contain a change of worker satisfaction and diminished operational costs and expenses from the most recent model of the container. Riordan has seen the most recent model of the plastic bottle with phenomenal style for a perfume container to improve the level of laborer fulfillment in an idealistic perspective which likewise reflects deals. On the off chance that the workers are fulfilled and content with the item, the deals will reflect that exceptionally same idealistic light which the laborers experience it. Riordan Manufacturings supply chain strategy is to spring them into the lead of the plastic material business. Their consequent goal is to beat its rivals by supplying the brief conveyance and quality plastic materials to organizations and restorative workplaces all through the nation. According to Dittmann (2013) quick response in conveyance of products and taking of item from production requires the advancement of most recent innovation and upgraded programming. Riordan Manufacturing depends on Information Technology to help them in this strategy to end up number 1. Building up a phenomenal PC program and additionally framework set up lessens the measure of work and necessities set upon the workers, thus rendering it less demanding for them to make effectively and with decreased production time lost. According to Miller & Fisher (2007) implementation of new strategies will mean contributing of more money which may not have been incorporated in the annual budget plan; however is a prerequisite to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

U.S. - China relations since 1970 to present Term Paper

U.S. - China relations since 1970 to present - Term Paper Example US-China relations since 1970 to present Both US and China differ on their ideologies and also do not possess similar economic and political views. They in fact come together for strategic necessity. The US side is filled with suspicion about China’s intentions and its strategies on economic, political & military fronts. The Chinese side on the other hand considers US as a threat to their communist ideology. US always pressurize China in the areas of human rights, economic and military sanctions. China though not always interested in ideological quarrel is forced to do so by the western ideology followed by the US. Therefore US-China relationship has developed on the parameters of mistrust and non-declarative thoughts along with military capacity building aimed against each other (Guo, 2010, p2). The US was basically a result of the convergence of the North American, European and African cultures. It mainly developed from small and struggling settlements to more thriving and populous colonies between 17th and 18th ce ntury facilitated by the exploitation of natural resources of North America. The commercial and cultural exchanges throughout Europe, Africa and the America led to the creation of the modern world (Winkler, Mires & Pestana, 2006, pp. 7-13). Initially during the period of Opium war in China the US was trying to disrupt and destabilize China’s communist government. The US considered China an aggressive power and threat to the non-communist countries. The US stationed military troops down the eastern and southern boundaries of China. During this period the US also engaged in the war in Vietnam. The US formed alliances with Japan, South Korea and the Nationalist government on Taiwan and encouraged them not to develop diplomatic relations with Beijing. The US also restricted American’s entry into China. The US was in fact tougher on China than other communist rivals. It pursed a â€Å"wedge† strategy which was aimed to encourage a separation between the two communist allies (Nathan & Ross, 1997). More than 90% of the Americans held unfavorable images about China; considered the nation as threat to US security. The American concepts of individual liberty, political pluralism and economic opportunity were alien to China. China was marked by Cultural Revolution trying to inculcate ideals of collectivism, asceticism among its people and facing continuous class struggle. China thought US to be beneficial on economic and political front. But Americans considered China an irrational power as their support for revolutionary movements proved to be dangerous to US (Harding, 1992, p.3). Therefore it was particularly a period of the formation of new ideas. US- China (1970-1989) Beginning from 1970 the relation between US and China was found to be versatile and multileveled. The two nations began to move closer to each other. The Americans on the one hand were trying to end their Vietnamese war while China was seeking support on account of its resistance to the pressure from Soviet Union (Nathan & Ross, 1997). Soviet Union was a direct threat to the security of China. Due to Soviet Union gaining an advantageous position in the global arena against the US compelled a reconciliation between the US and China. Both the countries started coordinating their strategic postures and united their military assets against Soviet expansion. Some Chinese leaders including Mao were interested in resuming cultural and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research and Application Business Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

And Application Business - Research Paper Example This Strategy emphatically promises to increase business and maintain a competitive edge in its own segment for JetBlue. The Customer Value Proposition of JetBlue: The marketing strategy and its success so far suggests, JetBlue has relied heavily on Operational excellence as the thrust area of its Customer Value Proposition. The success of the airline so far has been attributed by its focus on an array of operational goals like maintaining a high level of customer service with low costs and stimulating demand with low fares. They strive to maintain a sustained growth pattern by increasing frequency on their existing routes. The results have shown that such initiatives have been well received by the market and the customers have responded well to these efforts. This is further accentuated by feats like attainment of highest completion factor, the highest on time performance and the lowest incidence of mishandled bags. These achievements reflect a high level of operational and manageme nt excellence. They obviously enhance the customer experience and perception and augur well for the business. The airline strives to achieve competitive advantage through customer intimacy in certain areas, For example, the high level of customer service measures like maintaining transparency in operations contribute to the value proposition. However, it does not succeed in attaining customer intimacy, though it does succeed in achieving customer loyalty to an extent. It also makes effort to achieve product leadership. However, the efforts in the direction like increasing Live TV channels from 24 to 36; new aircraft and leather seats are not the source of competitive advantage, though they do mean product differentiation to an extent. b) Business risks: The 10 K/A of JetBlue report an array of risks that could harm the business to some extent or the other. However, amongst them the risks that could really affect profits to an extent wherein the ability of the airline to meet the sto ckholders’ expectations could be threatened are as mentioned hereunder. The basis of differentiation of these risks from the remaining set of risks is the extreme nature of consequences that they may have on the profits of the company in a relatively short span of time. Besides, once incurred, the said risks will require considerable effort and resources to contain and control. Last but not the least, the risks mentioned here are the ones specific to Jet blue and not the ones facing the Airline industry in general, since the general risks are usually responded to better with the industry and Government help. In addition, the stockholders understand and are already more aware of such risks and thus the expectations of the stockholders regarding these risks can be better managed. As such, these risks are more imminent in nature. The critical Risks: a. If JetBlue fails to implement their growth strategy, the business is at a great risk. The growth strategy is aimed at increasing the number of flights in underserved and overpriced areas. The aim is to maintain high quality customer services with low fares and generate more demand. The Low fares are to be compensated for with a high level of operational excellence. This will considerably make up for the low fares and bring costs down while maintaining the rate of bookings at the same time. This means a high profit margin

Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Internal Analysis and SWOT Analysis - Essay Example According to this book, the definition of physical resources is too general. However, according to other scholars, it gives a wider definition of physical resources to be the resources that are produced from the skills of man. This website brings out a better view than the book. The website also gives more information than is necessary. Used in an internal analysis, to show the wealth accumulation of the firm in terms of assets. According to a certain website, financial resources are the monetary sources of a firm. The website only gives a general view with a few examples. On other website, it only considers financial resources as money loans from banks. Most of the information is on banks, and it gives the wrong information or picture. This is because the finances are more to do with more than one single source. This can be used in an internal analysis to show the economic ability of a company (Marc, 2003). Human resources are all the people who compose the employees of an association who work towards the achievement of the goals of this organization (mark, 2003). This book gives a good description of human resource. This does not give the true picture of human resource as it gives information on workers of a company. Human resource is used to measure the level of motivation in a company. It can also be used to show the level of activity in a company and the cost of production. In the analysis, it is used to measure the level of efficiency and the social responsibility of a company. Technical resources are those assets owned by the company that can be used to improve or for the benefit of technology in an organization. This can be in terms of technological formulas or personnel with good experience and technical knowhow. According to William (1998), they describe the technology in details, which is meant to mean technical resources. It gives technology a depth description of its work and how it is used. Technology is used in an analysis, to measure

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Using a pendulum Essay Example for Free

Using a pendulum Essay To find the gravity by finding the period of the oscillations of a pendulum and plotting a graph. Hypothesis and Prediction: the gravity from the graph is going to equal the gravity from the formula. Variables: The independent variable is the length of the string The Dependent variable is the period of one oscillation Controlled variables are: mass of the pendulum Equipment: -Brass Ball -string -boss and clamp -stopwatch -2 metal blocks -Meter Ruler -Micrometer -The diameter of the brass ball was measured using a micrometer. Then the value was divided by 2 to give the radius.-the length of the string was measured -two metal block were clamped with the string in between, the string was tied to the bob -the bob was pulled to the side and released -the time was started when the bob passed the reference line. -a full oscillation is when the bob passes the reference line forth back and forth again. the length of the string is increased or decreased in a regular pattern the time was monitored by reading through the stopwatch. -the same brass ball was used over the experiment to keep the mass constant. the length was varied 10 times with a 10 cm difference. -4 readings were taken for each 10 cm -the time was taken for 20 oscillations. And then divided by 20 to give one oscillation. Data Collection: Table number Length of String / M i 0. 05 Number of oscillations Time Taken/s i 0. 5 Period/s i The table contains the length of the string in meters, the number of oscillations, the time per 20 oscillations and the period of one oscillation. As the length of the string deceases , the time for 1 oscillation decreases. So the length of the string is directly proportional to the period. Data Processing and presentation: Example in working out average period when the string is 1. 01 The graph is plotted with Average period squared against length of string. Y=3. 9244x-0. 0087 3. 9244=gradient. 3. 9244= (4(pi)^2)/g g = (4(pi)^2)/3. 9244 g=10. 060 from the graph. The average gravity from the formula= 100. 614/10= 10. 614 Conclusion: the results where very close to the prediction but they werent the same as the graph is a scatter diagram.-the result from the graph is more accurate as the graph cancels inaccurate measurements. Evaluation: -the method had weaknesses. -the angle of the pendulum to the reference line isnt the same in each reading which might cause a slight error. -the Air conditional may effect the pendulum; it may change its speed or change its direction. it is difficult to stop the stopwatch and start it in the reference line exactly which might induce error sometimes the ball tends to move in a circular motion and the experiment will have to be repeated.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Effect of Health Inequalities

Effect of Health Inequalities Grace Delavin What are the contemporary issues in health care and its impact on the national and international healthcare policy? What are the rationale or justification for policy intervention solution to address contemporary health issues in the international issues on education and training, tax benefits and payment to caregivers, respite care and financial support and provision of pension credits for caregiving? Abstract Disparities in ethnic and racial minority in connection to quality health care are prevalent but not extensive. This assessment brings in assessing an analysing the health care disparities and how it impact the health care policy in national and international level in addressing education and training, tax benefits and payments to caregivers, respite care, business regulations combining work and care giving and also financial support and provision credits for care giving. The findings bought about the major impact have on in achieving quality health care services to ethnic and minority people. Introduction The name for health inequalities indicate the population definite distinction in the existence of disease or illness, health issues, nature of health care assistance that prevails from different ethnic class. Inequalities show lack of ability within the health care scheme and thus reports for unneeded cost. There are lots of factors that accord to ethnic, socioeconomic inequalities, racial as well as lacking approach to health care, low aspect of care, community countenance such as difficulty and violence and also personal attitude. These circumstances are sometimes correlated with not well provided tribal and ethnic minority troops, individuals that experienced monetary difficulty, those people who are living in far flung areas or communities were in medical services is not accessible. And also individuals residing in rural and urban areas that experience health inequalities. Even though there are continuing endeavour to lessen health inequalities, tribal and ethnic minority troops inequalities in health still remained. Even when salary, access to care and insurance are accounted for, inequality continue. Poor performance on a scope health gauge such as life expectancy, infant’s death, pervasiveness of diseases or illnesses and insurance scope affirm inequalities between minority troop’s community and their white fellow. For instance, babies born by black mother are 1.5 to 3 times more prone to die than those born by mother of other ethnicities. Cancer is one of the major cause of deaths for more tribal and ethnic minority troops. African American men are more feasible to die from prostate cancer than whites and also Hispanic woman are more likely to die from cancer of the cervix. Indians, African Americans Alaska natives are more likely to have diabetes than whites. Life Probability and all total health for most Americans had improved for the recent years. Due to the improved target on the advances in medicines and medical technology as well as in the preventive aspects of illnesses. While most of the Americans now are living healthier and longer, still inequalities exist. For most number of tribal and ethnic minority troops attaining good health is hard to achieve because often it is associated with individual’s race, gender and economic status. Policy makers are answering to these issues through introduction of legislations with the aim of eradicating health inequalities. Disparities in Access to Healthcare Evaluate the impact the contemporary issue on national and international healthcare policy in your case study. Discuss and critically analyse the rationale or justifications for putting into place each of the below listed types of policy intervention solutions globally to address the contemporary health issues education and training tax benefits and payments to caregivers respite care business regulations combining work and care giving tax benefits and payments to caregivers There are many reasons for disparities in access to healthcare like: Lack of insurance coverage -Not having health coverage, patients are more inclined to delayed health care, more prone to go not having desired medical care, and more inclined to go not having the prescribed drug. Even if clinicians and policy makers are more familiar of tribal and ethnic minority troops inequalities in the kind of medical care, there is insufficient accord on mediation that should be attempted in reducing such disparities. The most common widely developed action by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) directed towards changing consumer attitude by supporting them to health professionals or doctors for their health screening or analysis. Also the private and public sectors that force to promote the cultural capability of health care providers, develop the ethnic and minority tribal troops’ equality of the health manpower and to gather and supervise data to be use in health services by the tribal and ethnic minority troops. These access are all sign ificant factors in eradicating tribal and minority inequalities in care importantly those who have scope in insurance. Lack of a regular source of care-Not having an extensive connection in the health care services patients have higher dilemma in achieving quality care. This obstacles in achieving of quality health care services may lead to unexpected health demand, patients may likely to die at an early age and may have a poor health condition. Approach to health care strikes to total mental, social and physical condition, avoidance of disability and diseases, early apprehension and treatment of health status, promote quality of life, avertable death and life expectancy. Lack of financial resources-This financial obstacle directly alter patient’s welfare. Not able to manage the essential remedy on rising rate of minority people may result in delaying or preceding the recommended medical regimen and are less expected to receive precautionary services or persistent care for chronic health conditions or problems. Legal barriers-Approach to health care by small earnings migrant minorities can be interfered by legal boundary to public insurance plans. These scope regulation harbor adverse disparities in accessing to quality health care services. And through the unbalanced access to health scopes threaten the well-being and health of migrants. Structural barriers-These encompasses the area to travel which cover poor access of transportation, the inefficiency in scheduling suitable appointments immediately or during the convenient hours I health care facilities . And the long waiting time spent in the clinic waiting room. These factors affects patient’s strength and eagerness in obtaining the necessary care. Scarcity of providers-People living in rural areas and society with huge concern of minority populace is having problem in accessing to health care services. This issue can be bound due to the lack of medical care specialists and other needed diagnostic facilities. There is possible solution to this problem by altering the health education scheme so more physicians can be train to choose rural practice. Linguistic barriers-Differences in language impede approach to health care for minorities that are not efficient and proficient in English. Healthcare system and providers should to be culturally and linguistically capable when giving medical services. Enhanced understanding to the health system, belief and developmental needs of the patients is enforced clearly in order to provide reasonable approach to medical care for distinct populace. Such plan must allow that the health care provider and the tribal patients must bring their individual owned learning languages pattern and culture to their healthcare providers. Health literacy Narrowed patients literacy is an obstacle to medical treatment or diagnosis. Patient should know the approach of risk and the possibility in order to make a good decision or choices the treatment and with that to act as a genuine partners in the patient –doctor relationship. Interference of physician and patient may lead in helping to improve health care quality for large populace of patients with has low literacy rate or skills. This issue in health literacy are more obvious than in white people because of educational and socioeconomic factors. Lack of diversity in the health care workforce-A big reason for inequality in a workforce for accessing quality care are the cultural distinctions especially between white health providers and minority clients or patients. There are factors in determining greater access to diversity in the workforce such as accelerating cultural proficiency and expanding approach to a great health services. In doing it more effectively, health care promoters or providers should have a solid understanding why and how distinct system of beliefs, biases in culture, family structure, ethnic origin and other factors that influence the manner why people struggle illness, observe medical recommendation and react to treatment. There are ample deposition in New Zealand of compelling disparities in health among ethnic groups, socioeconomic groups and other people residing in distinct regions. According to surveys the populace apt to disparities and circumstances as Pacific, Maori, low income workers who had adversity in achieving health services in times of hours of work, elderly, migrants, rural and those with difficulty or poor in English language skills. The health setup itself afford to health disparities. In New Zealand, tribal integrity is a significant scope of medical disparities. Pacific people and Maori struggle low life expectancy rate and adverse medical circumstances across morbidity and mortality index compared to Europeans. And also socioeconomic deprivation such as education, housing, income and employment. Disparities in Maori and non-Maori are fascinating in equities in health. The Health status and socioeconomic stands identified three types of distinct tribal disparities. These are the gap, result of the gap and inclination of the gap. The government is committed in attaining quality of health care services in New Zealand and reducing or eliminating health disparities between groups of population. The Health Ministry have structures action for implementation and developing extensive strategies namely medical and disability backing benefit, economic and social purpose of health such as environmental, behavioural and other material resources. The effect of reaction of ill health on socioeconomic situation and the economic and social eliminating in health. In comparison with the disparities in international level for example Inequalities in health among European countries is increasing. It is fair increasing that universal approach to medical care is important in creating a balance distribution of medical care. Further action needs in directing the motivation of health-developing the working and living circumstances and policies in supporting clear behaviours in health. Health care kind and opportunity helps explain health inequalities. Barriers to medical care approach includes lack of benefits in insurance, cost in financial care, lack of instruction, geographical inequalities, literacy in health, discrimination, language inequality, socio-cultural assumption in assumption to life and use of care. The present economic situation may lead to increase in health inequalities by decline of social element in health, especially to those who have decreased accomplishments and savings. The loss of employment that will lead to difficult lifest yle and living conditions. Unemployment or career insecurity promote an increased stress level and health detrimental behaviours. The European countries is devoted to decreasing disparities in connection medical care and health result. The European states member have formed unified approach associating policies in education, environment and economic development. The European Commission had adopted a policy recently outlining strategic access to address medical disparities. The intention is to give support to the national regional and local government and other agencies to tackle medical disparities more efficiently. These strategies seek to increase awareness about the need to shortened medical inequalities and to contribute a framework for work among countries and stakeholders. Education and Training. Education and training can help inequalities from among the tribal groups and white people for instance taking care of patients can me be enhance through gathering and reporting significant data on patients education, ethnicity or race can decrease inequality by assimilating cultural analysis or education into the medical professions teaching or trainings, and the research can help in improving the health result through understanding sources of inequalities and encouraging interference. These interventions can lead in eliminating health care inequalities and provide initiative through determining quality development and creating inequalities solution. Like for example in academic medicine in United States had numerous significant roles in the society which includes administering special and health services, providing care for the uninsured and for the poor, cultivating medical professional through education and engaging in research. Respite Care. Aging population contributes to the increasing demand of medical care and health services with concurrence of greater difficulty of having lifelong diseases and retirements from the workforce. In order to meet the health care needs of the patients the human resource of the department of health promotes a scope of action through grant, payment and other program approach to expand and enhance the essential responsibility or care in the workforce, supporting physicians to indulge and to continue practicing their filed in the primary care, making complete physician’s service, managers, integrating the health workers in the community to health care delivery system, promoting efficient teams or groups of medical professionals and other specialists, strengthening health professionals competencies. These strategies will help diminish inequalities and help improve the health condition of the population and to augment the resources. Tax benefits and payment to caregivers. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 in the United States rise approach to care, generate more affordable health insurance, enhance Medicare and assure that people have more authority and security that medical or health insurance will be possible whenever needed. This act access to expand medical aid for families or adults that have low earnings. The human and health services in the US is bound for enforcing provisions to widen coverage, prevention, enhance the quality of health care services and patient reaction towards health care settings, assure safety of the patient, improve proficiency and liability and to work across in achieving a high valued health care. Business regulations combining work and care giving. Proponent of additional reforms recognize that they are lower than choice public approach. Additional reforms cannot be realise in a universal scope, greatly diminish administrative costs. The major advantage claimed for additional reforms is political growth. Minimising the reconstitution of the delivery of health care can promote the political chance of achievement. Health care regulations will provide high quality care, distinguished care can lead to high health aid. The need to freedom of preferred medical care, that is to control their choices in health care. Cares are affordable and Citisens will share the health benefits of care. Financial support and provision of pension credits for care giving. On top of inequality lots of employed or poor working individuals who have connection, but can’t manage to pay for occupation insurance. In order to anticipate the event for development it is essential to understand the concepts of insurance. Employer plan are only beneficial to those employee covered with the plan. For example, in Canada the old age security benefits is important in providing monthly pension once the person reached the required age. This is created in order to provide individual who are not designated to a pension with a yearly compensation during the definitive retirement age. Another plan is the CPP in Canada wherein it provides retirement premium for those that afford to the plan by paid occupation, this plan also grant benefits for disability and other health benefits. The diversity in caregiving rapport and employment chances is that numbers of reconstitutes may be needed to answer insurance issues or pensions issues in a broad manner. Conclusion Health inequalities negatively affect the population who have experienced higher difficulty to health on the ground of their gender identity, religion, racial or ethnic group, age, socioeconomic status, mental health, physical disability, geographical location and other factors that is linked to discrimination. Decreasing inequalities in health will give a chance for everyone to leave an improved and healthy life. Ad in order to achieve this the government must ensure a vita focus on communities that are greater risk. Minimise inequalities in approach to health care quality. Improve the prevention capacity workforce to identify and address inequalities. Support the research in order to identify efficient strategies to reduce inequalities in health. Assimilate and collect data in order to identify and address inequalities. And also the government can use the data in order to identify those population that are the greatest risk and to work with the community in implementing programs an d policies that addresses high preferences. Improve collaboration, designation and convenience for inviting leaders in the community in prevention. And enhance privacy guaranteed medical data compilation for population that is underserved to help in improving policies and programs. For the business owners and employers, they can provide scope in workplace avoidance like precautionary screenings. They can partner with resources in locality like libraries in enhancing employee’s efficiency and to select reliable information’s in health. For clinicians, insurers they can raise the communication and cultural proficiency of medical providers. Hire and train more competent staff form marginalised ethnic and racial minorities and those people with disabilities. Enhance regulation in quality of care. For universities and learning centres they can plan research in identifying new efficient policies and program mediation to decrease health inequalities. Established and implement techniques in order to reduce physical, health and conditions in the environment that may affect the absenteeism. For families they can participate in community achievement. Use the resources in the community to enhance their ability in reading, understanding and using the medical information. References: (www.ama-asn.org/resources/doc/ethics/ceja-2a09.pdf, n.d.) (www.content.healthaffairs.org/content/21/5/90.long, n.d.) (www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/overview.aspx/topicid, n.d.) (www.hhs.gov/strategic-plan/health-workforce.html, n.d.) (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1071163, n.d.) (www.rnzcgp.org.nz/assets/documents/standards-policy/health-inequities-position-statement.pdf, n.d.) (www.surgeongeneral.gov/initiatives/prevention/strategy/elimination-of-helth-disparities.html, n.d.) (www.uptodate.com/contents/literacy-and-patient-care, n.d.)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Statements from the novel soucouyant

Statements from the novel soucouyant These are statements from the novel Soucouyant by David Chariandy (2007) that condenses the message of the novel. In general, the novel illustrates forgetting not just as a illness in the form of dementia but it also shows the cultural meaning of forgetting in the lives of the narrator, his mother and the other characters in the story. In a cultural context, forgetting in the novel means leaving behind ones history and tradition; erasing from memory ones dark past experiences; not remembering the hurts and sufferings one has experienced; and turning back on ones mistakes and sins in the past as depicted by the characters in the novel. At the outset, the story focuses on the life of the narrators mother named Adele who is suffering from early onset or pre-senile dementia. The narrator here is considered a prodigal son who has run away from his home but who longed for her as any son would for his mother, even so a frightening a mother as she had become (33). However, after two years, he went back to stay with Mother though I havent been invited to stay (9). It seemed, as the story progresses, that the narrator wants to understand her mothers past so he can also understand his own origins. So, he tried to ask questions from his mother who never deliberately explained to me her past, but I learned anyway (23). She told him over and over again of her encounter with the creature [a soucouyant] (136). A soucouyant according to what is written in the back cover of the book is an evil spirit in Caribbean folklore. The narrator wishes to confirm this encounter but Mother never explained any of this to me (136). The narratio n is interspersed with bits and pieces of the mothers past as fragments of her memory come and go. Some of the stories about Adele are also narrated by Meera, the nurse. The characters who are Adele, the narrators mother and the narrator who has remained nameless throughout the story have engaged in episodes of forgetting and remembering which has something to do with their cultural heritage. The cultural meaning of forgetting in Soucouyant is first of all, significant to Adele who is a Trinidadian immigrant who experienced the worst things in her past. On her part, forgetting includes leaving behind her history and her traditions as she leaves behind her birthplace, Trinidad. It also means erasing from her memory her dark past. The narrator tells of her, she saw sadness and anxiety. She saw violence. She saw war. (161). There was also a time when she experienced being dragged like a doll toward the gates of the base, back toward the village and the life that awaits (192). She has suffered a lot, not to mention the discrimination during those times because she is dark or a colored woman. In these instances, forgetting seems to be the most creative and life-sustaining thing (32) she could do with her dark past. The phrase a path so old that none could remember its origins (45, 136, 173 190) has been repeatedly mentioned in the novel. This path may very well symbolize what Adele has gone through. She tried to forget the heaviness of a history that couldnt leave. She resolved within herself not to remember those dark events in her life again. She has become so good at forgetting that this could have probably affected her own memory which turned out to develop into dementia. The narrator is not sure what really caused her early onset dementia but what the narrator remembers is that: Long ago, she began to forget. It started with ordinary things. Shopping lists and recipes, bus change and savings cards, pens for jotting down those household tasks that always manage to slip away. But then Mother began to forget in more creative ways. She began to forget names and places, goals and meanings. She began to forget the laws of language and the routes to salvation and the proper things to do with ones body. She began to excuse herself from the world we knew (12). Similarly, the narrator asks these questions about her mother: Was this a turning point in her life? The moment when she first realized that something was wrong with her? That something more serious than cutlery or bangles had gone missing? That so many other things were getting lost? This man beside her, for instance. Her husband. She knows his name, of course. Its Roger. But what else does she know? (78). Likewise, forgetting, for Adele means no longer remembering the hurts and painful experiences she had in the past. With her dementia, she would surely not remember those pains and hurts in her secret past again. She has erased memories in her mind and the narrator says: She tells me now that she doesnt understand that thing called memory. She doesnt understand its essence or dynamic (166). It is just ironical that in the past and even in the present, there are things that Adele can still remember. This is evident in what the narrator has said that: She never forget. But I dont remember it. Not even a little bit. I remember something else from that trip, though (196). This shows that Adeles memory is even better than the authors. This also goes to show that Adele somehow uses selective remembering and forgetting. Pleasant and good things are remembered while unpleasant, traumatic experiences are better left forgotten in obscurity. Aside from Adele, the narrator himself has tried forgetting his past. He tries to forget what happened to his mother and his father by running away from his home to another place. His mother staggered into forgetfulness. She wandered the streets of our neighbourhood and upturned peoples garbage bins (18). While his father became increasingly quiet and withdrawn, [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] He stopped communicating to anyone, including Mother and me (28). The narrator describes the place where he stayed: The city was for me a good place of forgetting. I found my anonymity in a series of rent-by-the-week rooms, in under-the-counter jobs as a dishwasher and holiday flower-seller (30). Yes, he was able to forget those things that happened to his family but only for a little while. This is because, he later forgot to forget and he remembered everything again which leads him back to his mother and to his hometown. For the narrator, forgetting means repenting of his mistakes and making amends by livi ng his life anew and by taking care of his mother. When he goes back to his home he tried to understand his roots, his history. He tries to prove that: Your history is your blood and flesh (137). Though his mother is someone so entirely unwilling to admit that she has forgotten me (8). He tries to imagine his mothers life before it all slips away into darkness. Thus, he attempts to draw his mother to a conversation to help him know the truth about his mothers childhood and what could have caused her dementia. He asks her questions such as: You mean you dont remember, Mother? (12); Dont you remember, Mother? (15); Do you remember, Mother? (92); Can you remember it now, Mother? Can you tell me this last thing? Today, before I go? (194). However, with his series of questions, his Mother doesnt explain anything to him. This is because She told, but she never explained or deciphered. She never put the stories together. She never could or wanted to do so. It is only through the help of Miss that he is able to understand the details of his mothers life. And he is able to confirm of his mothers life when he said that it is possible to live with almost no memories (54). In addition to Adele and the narrator, Meera, the nurse is also trying to hide something and to forget her past. Although, it is not quite obvious in the story, her feelings became transparent upon seeing her mother. Meera unbelievably asks the narrator You fetched my mother? (124) while her mother keeps on calling her name. She was neither enthusiastic nor happy to see her own mother. The narrator also tells her: I dont care, Meera. It doesnt matter to me. I just wanted to know more about you. I thought we could talk about things (125). This leads to the conclusion that Meera is not sharing about her life. She is probably hiding something and is trying to forget the memories altogether. It was later found out that Meera used to crank call the wandering lady (159). Many times, Meeras calls were stupidly banal. Giggling requests to speak to Oliver Clothesoff [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] (160). For Meera, forgetting means turning back on past mistakes and sins and correcting her mistakes. Eventua lly, she becomes the nurse of the wandering lady who used to be the subject of her crank calls. For Adele, the narrator and Meera, forgetting gives them a way of escaping from their repulsive past. It has its advantages but it also has its disadvantages. The narrator confirms this through a quote: During our lives, we struggle to forget. And its foolish to assume that forgetting is altogether a bad thing. Memory is a bruise still tender (32). Human beings sometimes need to forget especially those unpleasant, traumatic experiences that happened in ones life. But it should not keep one from moving on to the future like what happened to the narrator and to Meera. The novels title which is Soucouyant refers to an evil spirit in the form of a vampire-like old woman who sucks blood from her victims. A soucouyant is a monster worth forgetting because it symbolizes something disagreeable or horrible. In addition, Adeles encounter of a soucouyant symbolizes everything in her life that is horrid, distasteful, horrible, hostile and unkind which are worth forgetting. Indeed, Soucouyant is aptly described as a novel of forgetting. However, contrary to the title, the novel Soucouyant is worth reading and remembering.

Monday, August 19, 2019

cell theory :: essays research papers

Cell Theory   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Cell Theory states that all organisms are composed of similar units of organization, called cells. The concept was formally articulated in 1839 by Schleiden and Schwann and has remained as the foundation of modern biology.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Formulation of the cell theory In 1838 Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden were talking about their studies on cells. It has been suggested that when Schwann heard Schleiden describe plant cells with nuclei, he was stuck by the similarity of these plant cells to cells he had observed in animal tissues. The two published his book on animal and plant cells the next year. Schwann summarized his observations into three conclusions about cells. 1. The cell is the unit of structure, physiology, and organization in living things. 2. The cell retains a dual existence as a distinct entity and building block in the construction of organisms. 3. Cells form by free-cell formation, similar to the formation of crystals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We know today that the first two tenets are right, but the third is wrong. The cell theory include: 1. All known living things are made up of cells. 2. The cell is structural and functional unit of all living things. 3. All cells come from pre-existing cells by division. 4. Cells contains hereditary information whish is passed from cell to cell during cell division. 5. All cells are basically the same in chemical composition. 6. All energy flow of life occurs within cells.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With any theory, its tenets are based upon previous observations and facts. The cell theory is no different being founded upon the observations of many. For the first 150 years, the cell theory was just a structural idea. This stuctural view whish is found in most text books describes the components of a cell and their fate in cell reproduction.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

How a Bill Becomes Law Essay example -- American Government

It seems the Founders wanted to make the passage of legislation difficult. The Constitution settles how bills become law in the United States. The procedure is operose and can take significant time to complete. The course materials of week three offer more than enough information on how the procedure works. This essay will, mainly, use the course materials to describe the process of how a bill becomes a law. The process of transforming a bill into a law requires the participation of both the Legislative branch and Executive branch of government. Before there is a law, there is a bill – and bills have many phases to pass through before these may become laws. The course materials of week three point out that a bill can originate in the House of Representatives or in the Senate – but different versions of the same bill could begin simultaneously in both chambers of Congress (Unit 3 the Congress, 9). It is possible for the President – or someone else – to write a bill, but a member of Congress must introduce the legislation through sponsorship. New bills receive a number and receive assignment to the committee best suited to examine the bill. Project Vote Smart reveals â€Å"Bills may be referred to more than one committee and it may be split so that parts are sent to different committees† (Project Vote Smart 2010). If the bill passes through the committee – or committees – the bill may get a new number before passing on to floor action. But it is not necessary for the bil l to receive a new number. The foregoing stages describe the initial actions of the Legislative branch in the procedure of a bill becoming law. Depending on the chamber of Congress where the bill exists, the procedures for floor action differ. I... ...ences American Military University Faculty. Course Materials Unit 3 the Congress. American Public University System. https://online.apus.edu/educator/student/ [the rest of the URL is deleted as it contains information tied to my student ID number, etc. in the URL and this piece of html code presents a security risk] (accessed November 22, 2010). Harris, Lawrence S. Discussion Board 3, Response to Joshua Jordan . American Public University System. https://online.apus.edu/educator/student/ [the rest of the URL is deleted as it contains information tied to my student ID number, etc. in the URL and this piece of html code presents a security risk] (accessed November 22, 2010). Project Vote Smart. GOVERNMENT 101: How a Bill Becomes a Law . Project Vote Smart. http://www.votesmart.org/program_about_pvs.php (accessed November 22, 2010)

Walton’s Letters in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay -- Mary Shelley

Walton’s Letters in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein ‘Frankenstein’ is a gothic, science fiction novel written by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. It was written in Switzerland in 1816 and London in 1816-1817. The novel begins with a series of letters from the explorer Robert Walton to his sister, Margaret Saville. The entirety of ‘Frankenstein’ is contained within Robert Walton’s letters, which record the narratives of both Frankenstein and the monster. Walton’s letters act like a framing device for Victor’s narrative. Shelley’s use of letters enables the shift of narrative from one character to another, while still remaining like a standard novel. Walton’s is only the first of many voices in ‘Frankenstein’. His letters set up a frame which encloses the main narrative (Frankenstein’s), and provides the context in which it’s told. The letters from Walton, a well-to-do Englishman with a passion for exploring, start when he’s in St.Petersburg. He is writing to his sister Margaret in England. He assures her that he is safe and is looking forward to his voyage which has been his dream for many years. He tells his sister of his preparations leading up to his departure, and of the desire burning in him to accomplish â€Å"some great purpose†- exploring and discovering uncharted territory in the North Pole. There are also many roles which Walton’s letters undertake in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’. Each letter has a different role and introduces new ideas. One of the main functions of the letters is to set the scene for the telling of the stranger’s narrative. In addition to this, Walton’s letters introduce an important character, Walton himself, whose story parallels Frankenstein’s. Walton parallels Victor in ... ...ledge and wisdom, as I once did; and I ardently wish that the gratification of your wishes may not be a serpent to sting you, as mine has been.† The theme of destructive knowledge is developed and predominates throughout the novel as the tragic consequences of Frankenstein’s search for knowledge are revealed. Walton, like Frankenstein also in the pursuit of knowledge attempts to surpass previous human explorations in order to discover the secrets of the unknown. Overall the role of Walton’s letters in ‘Frankenstein’ are very important. Not only do they introduce important characters such as Robert Walton, Victor Frankenstein and the monster. But they also establish the period and place in which the novel is set, introduce important ideas and themes which prevail throughout the novel, and introduce and frame the novel in a creative and interesting way.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Psychosexual Theory

Evaluate the extent to which Freud’s theory of psychosexual development can help us to understand a client’s presenting issue? | Psychosexual Development Theory The meaning of the psychosexual theory has nothing to do with sexuality or sex in terms of reproduction, but is referred to in meaning as anything that gives pleasure to the body such as a hug, taste, food, this is according to Freud. Freud believed that early childhood has an effect on the future life of person there are five stages he believed that a person went through physiologically and psychologically.The physiology is based on human instinct to survive, the psychology is the emotional/mental interpretation of the act and the pleasure that it provides. This was the birth of psychodynamics the link between physiology and psychology, the motivation behind the behavioural action. Freud’s psychosexual theory is based on child development from birth through to adult hood. The idea is the association betw een the physiological developments being linked to the psychological development in early childhood.The first stage is set at birth to 18 months, it is the oral stage, this area is based on the mouth and the need to eat to survive also coupled with the pleasure that follows through with taste, this is instigated by breasting feeding. Babies enjoy breasting feeding it is soothing, it feels good and it tastes good, this is the first pleasure that babies have. This stage focuses on the mouth as babies learn through taste; they put things in their mouths to learn. It is at this stage that a child learns that the mouth gives instant pleasure through taste and that food gives pleasure.Following the oral stage is the anal stage which is based on the anus; this stage normally occurs around 18 months to three years old. This stage is based on control, this is the control of the bowels being able to control when and where to excrete. The pleasure principle here is based around potty training, the emphasis placed on the child to control when they need to release themselves and the parent displaying expectation on the suitability and necessity of having control over the bowels and taking ownership of actions based around potty training.Depending on how this is executed the developing child will learn the control factor and get pleasure for being able to exercise their control over this. Stage three is the phallic stage this is from ages 3-5, at this stage the child starts to realise that there is a difference between boys and girls; it is here that the developing child sees a difference in their genitals relating to the parent from the opposite sex. Females start to become aware that they don’t have a penis and sense there is a difference in terms of strength between men and women.Males start to become aware that they are strong and have a sense of protection regarding their mother. This can be understood in terms that girls seek protection from their fathers and s ee their mother as a rival and this follows in reverse regarding sons and mothers. Stage four from ages 5 to adolescence is latency it is the lull stage where nothing further happens in terms of development in the psychosexual theory. Stage five genital stage this is the adult sexual phase, this is where the developing person experiences sex, romance, love, crushes and friendships.The relationship of the five stages manifested through to adulthood is as follows. During the oral stage should there be a disruption such as feeding was unsuccessful or issues to do with health pertaining to the oral area then it would manifest through the individuals behaviour resulting in direct issues regarding the mouth. The conflict here is weaning the child off the breast towards solid foods, if this process is handled in a less satisfying way towards the developing child, the outcome can be an anxiety lead habitual acts.This could result in chewing pencils, thumb sucking, gum chewing, smoking, over eating, not necessarily in an order but the idea is if an individual becomes fixated in the oral stage they may have some anxiety that would be displayed in one of the above actions. This stems from the idea that the individual was not breast feed enough or there was a disruption of some kind relating to feeding or weaning was unsuccessful and caused issues with feeding, due to this need not being met as an infant the need manifests itself in some other behavioural type.The anal stage relates to control and is the stage where the concept of potty training was either successful or not, resulting in the individual being either â€Å"anal retentive† meaning up tight and rigid when it comes to neatness and organisation. This is the idea that the individual enjoyed their potty training. On the other hand depending on how the training was administered. For if the child was not forth coming in their potty training or the training was not handled ppropriately or was very easy going and care free, the idea is that the individual would be disorganised, messy and have possible anxiety with anything to do with passing bowel movements. The phallic stage relates to relationships with the opposite sex through the understanding of the relationship between the individual and the parent of the opposite sex. This is the origins for the Oedipus and Electra complex stage. Boys tend to want to protect their mothers and come into conflict with their fathers as a means to assert themselves. Girls seek the protection of their fathers while they rival with their mothers for his attention.The child suspects that the same sex parent knows about their attraction towards the opposite sex and hates them for it. The latency stage is the stage of pure childish playfulness, there is no pleasure factor here but child growth such as school, play, fun and basic child features. The focus is on interacting and taking in their surroundings. This is based on repression driving from the stage prior to this one, because of the awareness but the lack of knowledge about the differences between male and females, the child tends to repress any thoughts feelings or concerns and so begins the latency stage.The genital stage is the sexuality process and the discovery of pleasure through the genitals, at this stage boys begin to masturbate and for some this can be uncontrollable. It is not uncommon for parents to reprimand a child for being caught too often with their hands down their pants. And the threats of castration are common to try and deter the boy from such impulsive acts. For girls the suspicion is based on their sexual development in terms of their physical being, breasts grow and the female form takes shape.In this way, and for such reason, the child’s feelings on the subject of his relationship with his parents, and their attitude towards his body and its future, may become divided. What Freud Really Said: An Introduction to His Life and Thought: 1965 David St afford-Clark: Hachette Digital: Location 1254 This theory is Freud’s theory and although it has come into must dispute and criticism it is a theory that may not necessarily be utilised to its fullness however not completely disregarded. The ID the Ego and the Superego These stages are portioned and governed by three powers of the mind that Freud believed to be within everyone.The ID described as the self, instinctual and primitive, the Ego understood as the mediator, intelligent and sensible, and the Super Ego acts as the conscience it is institutional and ensures ethical actions. The ID which is known as the pleasure principle the, I want, I need is the driving factor towards getting our needs met, this is the selfish mode which informs us that we are hungry, lonely, sick. This factor has no relevance in the how are these needs to be met, but rather in the fact that these needs are present and need to be fulfilled.The Ego facilitates the needs of the ID ensuring that it is i n line with reality and acceptable to fulfil those needs that the ID manifests, the ID creates the desire and the Ego works out how to get the desires met in balance with society and appropriateness. The Super Ego is the conscience the moral side of the mind, it ensures that the morality is in place throughout the drive from the ID’s desire to the Ego’s will to get the desires met in accordance to appropriateness, the Super Ego balances the morality and acts as a reminder that behaviour should be managed in a moral standing.This is the Freud analogy of the human mind and how it is motivated and managed by the individual. The oral stage is governed by the ID as this is the immediate survival stage such as feeding, then the Ego which develops during the oral stage which leads on to the next stage. By the anal stage the superego has develop hence the control over bowel movements and the potty training by a parent who may install certain values as to why big boys and girls use the toilet. By this stage the personality has now come into form.The main criticism of these theories are that it has never been experimented or deemed true by means of observation, it is all Freud’s ideas and thoughts on how the human psyche works, there is no evidence to prove it right or otherwise. The link between the psychosexual theory and adult neurotic behaviour Freud believed that any sign of neuroses stemmed from childhood, of which would indicate that there was a disruption or conflict during one of the five psychosexual stages.This basically links the idea that there was an issue of some kind during childhood and this issue has caused a lasting unwelcome effect on the future wellbeing of an individual. The disruption would take the form of some kind of conflict, during one or more of the psychosexual stages, which could lead to a behavioural transference neuroses or narcissistic neuroses. Due to Freud’s theory on the ID Ego and Superego the relationshi p between the three mind concepts is crucial to how the disruption or conflict was handled during the development of the psychosexual stages.Due to this concept Freud based his belief on neuroses being related to a particular trauma suffered during childhood. The psychosexual stages are guides to pinpoint the particular issue giving it a shape and a link to assist in understanding certain behaviours and the possible reasons behind them. Applying the Psychosexual theory to the presenting issue The idea is to link the presenting physiological behaviour to childhood growth of where there would have been a possible disruption or conflict.So a client with abandonment issues who has a tendency to over eat to the point where it is damaging to both their physical and mental health. The psychosexual link would lead towards their oral stage, suggesting that from birth to 18 months the transitioning from breast feeding to solid food was unsuccessful or held some form of conflict or disruption. The idea is that because the client has an eating disorder coupled with feelings of abandonment suggests that they are fixated within the oral stage. This would be a basis to first understand the client and their issue from an open point of view.Freud’s psychosexual theories have never been tested so to apply it in full would be irresponsible to say the least. Ethically the use of the psychosexual theory is not always recommended for it holds a lot of emphasis on a sexual related basis. However because it holds a possible understanding for which to build rapport and get to a level of understanding with a client, it should not be totally ruled out. The psychosexual theory can be used to understand a client but to the extent that it offers an understanding towards the presenting issue, however this could not be the case with every client.As Freud’s theories were limited to certain classes and groups of people, the ramifications may be similar in respect to other classes and groups of people but they may differ completely. Due to cultural difference and ethnic origin coupled with tradition and religion from the vast amounts of different people in the world. The childhood growth from one individual to another could be very different, whereas culturally in some areas of the world breastfeeding can last up until a child is 5 years old. How at this point is the psychosexual theory to be employed? How his form of childhood transitioning could be applied in any way to the psychosexual stages? The fact remains that due to its limitations of experimentation; it cannot be applied to everybody but instead used as a tool to better understand a client’s presenting issues. Issues such as OCD, over eating, anorexia, IBS, anxiety, phobias, grief, habits and addictions can all be linked to the past events or experiences of a client’s life. It may not necessarily be linked through the psychosexual theory but the link may very well be in the past holdi ng a strong relevance in some form to a past experience.For this reason alone the psychosexual theory can be used as an avenue to understand the client and the relationship between their presenting issue and their past. Here is where the psychodynamics of the clients frame work are interpreted and understood and possibly confronted and dealt with in order for the client and therapist to progress with some resolution. Criticisms of Freud The main areas of criticisms on the psychosexual theory and many other Freudian theories are that it has not been tested.All of Freud’s theories were based on his ideologies and internal beliefs, so it has no scientific creditability. No prognostic worth as to place the Oedipus and Electra complex on an individual that had an absent parent or was raised with same sex parents or in another less conventional family setting, how is their future behaviour to be determined. Freud based his analysis on the patients he had access to, this was not a w ide variety of individuals and many of them were middleclass wives suffering from hysteria. This is just a few of the many controversial views on Freudian theory.However along with these criticisms Freud claimed much recognition for his contributions to psychology. Before Freud there was no understanding of the mind and how it could possibly work, Freud opened the understanding to undertake that the human mind can operate on different levels. Freud gave birth to the importance of child psychological development and that children do have sexual feelings. Freud set the motion for the direction of psychology and the many areas of which can be explored, without Freud’s theories there was no basis for psychology and its possibilities.Freud gave direction and a starting point for many practitioners to base their understandings. Presenting issues and the psychosexual development theory The psychosexual development theory can prove useful in understanding a client’s presenting issue, but only as a tool to base an understanding. This theory gives a platform to further develop the client and therapist relationship, it holds not scientific value and is far too controversial to rely upon as a workable useable theory for practice. But it does allow for understanding and gives light to uncovering an issue using psychodynamic therapy.