
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the 2012 graduating class of County High School, I would like to invite you to our commencement ceremony. As valedictorian of this class I would like to sing to you, and my fellow graduates about responsibility, but first I would like to recognize you a pocket-sized accountD.L. Moody told the tier of a passenger on an Atlantic steamer who lay in his bunk during a raging storm with a severe case of sea sickness. shortly he heard the cry, Man overboard. May beau ideal help that inadequate fellow, he prayed, but theres nothing I crowd out do. Then he thought, I good deal at least throw up my lantern in my sm on the whole window, and with an effort he did so. The man was fin solelyy rescued. In recounting the story the next day, he said, I was going mow in the vileness for the last time when some ace put a light in a porthole. It shone on my hand, and a sailor in the lifeboat grabbed it and pulled me in.Weakness is no exc m anipulation for not putting forth the little strength we remove. Who tolerate tell how God will work? office is one of the near important things that we nourish as human beings. We as Christians have a lot responsibility laid upon us. As citizens of two kingdoms, one earthly, and one heavenly, we all find ourselves with some responsibility to shoulder. No progeny who we are, no social occasion what gender, what nationality, what color, what creed, God has wearn us as Christians the frightening responsibility to be his witnesses in this world.There are many divers(prenominal) excuses people use to try to avoid responsibility. For example, some among us whitethorn say, I am not ready. In 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 15b it says, ever so be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hold that you have. This ... ...to plan for the future, yet to keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and flawless of our faith, because only he can adequately die hard our paths, so that we can make the best use of the time, talents, and the responsibility he has given us to be a witness unto (for) him.Now I would like to convey all of those people who have made it possible for us as young adults to be able to take on the responsibility that we have been given. I would like to thank Mr. Mehrtens, Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Fuentes, Mrs. Miller and all of the other teachers who have come and gone, for all of their hard work and dedication, and alike their Christian example. I would in like manner like to thank all of our parents for persuasion so much(prenominal) of us that they paid double for our education, and I would also like to thank them for the godly standards they have encouraged us to reach for. thank you all. Thank you. Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement call offGood evening, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the 2012 graduating class of County High School, I would like to welcome you to our commenc ement ceremony. As valedictorian of this class I would like to speak to you, and my fellow graduates about responsibility, but first I would like to tell you a little storyD.L. Moody told the story of a passenger on an Atlantic steamer who lay in his bunk during a raging storm with a severe case of sea sickness. Suddenly he heard the cry, Man overboard. May God help that poor fellow, he prayed, but theres nothing I can do. Then he thought, I can at least put my lantern in my subaltern window, and with an effort he did so. The man was finally rescued. In recounting the story the next day, he said, I was going down in the darkness for the last time when someone put a light in a porthole. It shone on my hand, and a sailor in the lifeboat grabbed it and pulled me in.Weakness is no excuse for not putting forth the little strength we have. Who can tell how God will work?Responsibility is one of the most important things that we have as human beings. We as Christians have much responsibil ity laid upon us. As citizens of two kingdoms, one earthly, and one heavenly, we all find ourselves with some responsibility to shoulder. No matter who we are, no matter what gender, what nationality, what color, what creed, God has given us as Christians the awesome responsibility to be his witnesses in this world.There are many different excuses people use to try to avoid responsibility. For example, some among us may say, I am not ready. In 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 15b it says, Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. This ... ...to plan for the future, yet to keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, because only he can adequately guide our paths, so that we can make the best use of the time, talents, and the responsibility he has given us to be a witness unto (for) him.Now I would like to thank all of those people who have made it possible for us as young adults to be able to take on the r esponsibility that we have been given. I would like to thank Mr. Mehrtens, Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Fuentes, Mrs. Miller and all of the other teachers who have come and gone, for all of their hard work and dedication, and also their Christian example. I would also like to thank all of our parents for thinking so much of us that they paid double for our education, and I would also like to thank them for the godly standards they have encouraged us to strive for. Thank you all. Thank you.

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