
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

History of Slavery in the Caribbean Essay -- Caribbean Historical Essa

History of thralldom in the CaribbeanThe institution of slavery has played a major role in the history, and the shaping of the Caribbean. Therefore, in order to very understand the Caribbean one must completely understand slavery itself.Slavery can be defined as belonging to a person, or being treated like a piece of property, and not having some(prenominal) individual freedom This was essentially the life numerous an(prenominal) Africans lived for many centuries in the Caribbean . The masters had total freedom and control over his or her slaves. As a result of this behavior they were able to run no-hit sugar plantations that resembled modern day factories. Until the end of the 18th century many sugar estates used the gang system. The owner treated hundreds of slaves as units of production. some(prenominal) plantation owners had a very profitable and prosperous business, but it was expenditure of human lives.Slaves working in the sugar cane fields unendingly faced the most b rutal treatment. Due to the nature of cane farming, a lot of heaving lifting and back breaking cutting was necessary for many hours out of the da...

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