
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Descent to the Underworld in the Aeneid by Virgil and the Odyssey by Ho

Descent to the Underworld in the Aeneid and the Odyssey I chose to compare the Odyssey pen by the Greek poet bulls eye and the Aeneid by the Roman poet Virgil. I leave focus my interest on Book 11 of the Odyssey and Book 6 of the Aeneid, since that is when both of the main characters make an educational visit to the inferno. The description of the blaze created by Homers wild imagination, inspired Virgil eight centuries later. Virgils masterpiece was planned as an imitation of Homers poems, so one automatically starts comparing the creations of the two authors. They were stray by eight centuries and by the cultural differences of their people. These differences are reflected on the grammatical construction of their compositions. At first the reasons for Aeneass and Odysseuss voyage to the world below seem similar. two of them want to receive information from the people who have already died. This intimacy is necessary in order for them to continu e a successful livelihood in the real world, amongst the real people. Aeneas wants to ask his wise father Anchises for evoke about(predicate) the foundation of a new state - Rome. His father enounces him about the future of his family. This prophecy includes the history of Rome all the way until the age of Virgil himself. What glories follow Dardan generations ====================================== In after years, and from Italian blood What historied children in your notation will come, Souls of the future, living in our name, I shall tell clearly now, and in the telling Teach you your destiny.1 The need for Odysseus to travel to the underworld doesnt seem to be motivated at all... ...not only the characters but as well the poets who wrote the two outstanding compositions, on which all of the worlds literature is based. Homer who glorifies the enormous value of a person and Virgil who glorifies the grandeur of the State - Rome. IMAGE W orks Cited Fagles, Robert. The Odyssey. red-hot York Penguin Books USA Inc. 1996 Fitzgerald, Robert. The Aeneid. Penguin Books. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Virgil Aeneid B.6 line 1015 2 Homer Odyssey B.11 line 111 3 Homer Odyssey B.11 line 129 4 Homer Odyssey B.11 line 153 5 Homer Odyssey B.11 line 614 6 Homer Odyssey B.11 line 540 7 Virgil Aeneid B.6 line 883 8 Virgil Aeneid B.6 line 824 9 Virgil Aeneid B.6 line 835 10 Virgil Aeneid B.6 line 1230

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